ACS Public Policy Fellowship Programs
ACS has two types of Public Policy Fellowship programs: the Science Policy Fellowship and the Congressional Fellowship. The same application is used for both fellowships. Applicants are asked to identify if they are applying for one or both programs.
The ACS Science Policy Fellowship is a one-year opportunity that is renewable for a second year. One Science Policy Fellow position is available for 2025-2026.
The ACS Congressional Fellowship is a one-year opportunity. Two ACS Congressional Fellowship positions are available for 2025-2026. Congressional Fellows are placed on Capitol Hill as part of the larger, AAAS-administered Science and Technology Policy Fellowship (STPF) program.
All Fellowships include:
- An intensive two-week orientation that provides an overview of the federal policy-making process and establishes context for the Fellowship positions.
- Ongoing professional development and support activities, including educational seminars and networking opportunities, continue throughout the program.
- Fellows may be entry-level PhDs or experienced professionals from academia, industry, or non-profits. Former fellows have covered issues as diverse as federal funding for scientific research, science education, and health policy.
Fellowships start in September. The Congressional Fellowship start date may be delayed until January at the Fellow’s request but incoming Congressional Fellows must attend the AAAS orientaton for two weeks at the start of September.
ACS Science Policy Fellowship
The ACS Science Policy Fellowship Program places one Science Policy Fellow (SPF) with the ACS Government Affairs (GA) office for 1-2 years. The SPF works with experienced GA staff on areas of importance to the chemistry enterprise, including federal funding for scientific research; science, technology, engineering and math education; green chemistry; environmental policy; and regulatory policy. The SPF also supports ACS's member-driven policy development process and encourages ACS members to engage their elected officials and other policymakers.
SPFs gain a deeper understanding of how scientists and scientific organizations participate in public affairs through broad exposure to a range of policy topics and federal agencies. SPFs also conduct a fellowship project based on their interests.
ACS Congressional Fellowship
The ACS Congressional Fellowship Program places two fellows each year as staff members in the office of a U.S. Senator, Representative, or Committee. As part of a broader effort administered by AAAS that places more than 30 scientists per year in Congress, the program has two main goals: to provide policy-makers with high quality information on science-related issues and to educate scientists on how government works and how science policy is made.
Congressional Fellows work on the Congressional staff of their choice; placement support is provided by ACS and AAAS. Fellows typically serve as legislative assistants, advising on a range of science policy issues and interacting with constituents.

1. Login
Click on the "Login" link to the right and login to the application with your ACS ID. (Don’t have an ACS ID? Don’t worry; you can create one on the login page.)
2. Select
Select the fellowships you wish to apply to.
3. Create
Create your online application. For a list of required information and attachments, please review the Award Application Guide
4. Apply
Finish the application by completing the required fields in each of the application sections. Applicants can proceed from section to section by selecting Next Tab >> in the middle of the screen.
5. Save
During the Applications period, your application can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the application is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application by clicking on the
icon in the Application Summary section.
6. Submit
On completion, save your Nomination as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section in the right column. Note: If an update is required prior to the Call for Applications period, you can make the update and resave as FINAL.
If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Program Administrator.
Contact Us
American Chemical SocietyPolicy Fellowship Programs
Government Affairs
1155 Sixteenth St, NW
Washington, DC, 20036
Phone: 1-202-872-4098